We are in a double whammy weekend here at the StickerGiant sponsorship desk, with two rad WordCamps happening at opposite corners of our fine nation at the same time!
So without further ado, we wanted to holler at our WordPress crew attending and organizing WordCamp Atlanta 2015 and WordCamp Seattle: Experienced 2015.
Starting out in the Peach State, WordCamp Atlanta 2015, with this edition as the best one yet. There are sessions for everyone, and you can even get a free ride from Lyft!
Download the full schedule if you’re heading to camp, and you can follow all of the trending news with the #wcatl hashtag
Other awesome sponsors of WordCamp Atlanta include:
CodeGuard, WPninjas, MailChimp, getpantheon, siteground, livetss, Farside Films, MyMainWP, iThemes, Impact_Partner, vexteo, bluehost, mediatemple, wiredtree, dreamhost, jetpack, godaddy, wpml
Now let’s head to the Pacific Northwest for WordCamp Seattle: Experienced. What is “experienced” in this case? (Note the nod to Seattle resident Jimi Hendrix’s album, Are You Experienced? We did.)
Well, this version of WordCamp is for season WordPress developers, and the conference track reflects that power user, with sessions all weekend focused on really ramping up WordPress development.
You can follow all of the action on Twitter at #wcsea.
As for the fine company we find ourselves in as sponsors, check out these awesome folks helping power WordCamp Seattle: Experienced:
pantheon, washington state university, ivycat, woothemes, @10up, mediatemple, wiredtree, dreamhost, jetpack, wpml, odin, crowdfavorite, fresh consulting, wpengine, lingotek, allyinteractive, diamond lining, disqus
If you’re a WordCamp or tech event, we love to help. Get in touch with us for sponsorship.